Harrison Rylands, one of our incredible Year 8 pupils, has once again shown his dedication to charitable causes by completing the gruelling 22-mile Ullswater Way hike in the Lake District. His efforts have raised an impressive £1,240 for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.


The 13-year-old, who was a finalist in last year’s Warrington Guardian Education Awards for his sponsored walk up Mount Snowdon, took on this latest challenge alongside his mum, Louise. The duo walked for eight hours over tough terrain, showcasing not only their physical endurance but also their commitment to making a difference.


Harrison’s charitable endeavours began after a series of heart-breaking events during the Covid-19 pandemic, when his grandad, two uncles, and a close friend all suffered heart attacks. In response, he raised over £3,000 to purchase defibrillators for Chapelford Farm Pub and McDonald’s in Gemini. This drive to help others continued with his ascent of Mount Snowdon in May 2022, for which he was shortlisted for Junior Fundraiser of the Year 2023 at the Warrington Guardian Inspiration Awards.


Born with a congenital cataract that required surgery when he was just eight weeks old, Harrison has been a patient at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital for 13 years. The exceptional care he received inspired him to give back to the hospital before he turns 16 and is released from their care.



“I wanted to give something back to the facility so other children can receive the care they require, just like I did,” Harrison explained. “I wanted to do it before I am released from the care of Alder Hey when I turn 16.”


As you can see from the image below, Harrison still has regular appointments at Alder Hey and is extremely grateful for the ongoing support he has received.












Mum Louise shared her pride in her son’s determination and resilience: “Harrison and I did the hike around Ullswater together. It was really tough and the last three miles were the hardest. We had sore legs and feet but felt a massive sense of achievement when we finished. It was a brilliant day with fabulous weather and stunning views of the Lake District.”


Harrison recently handed over the cheque to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, where the staff were extremely grateful for his hard work and generosity.


Harrison’s journey of giving back and his dedication to charitable causes serve as an inspiration to us all. We are incredibly proud of his achievements and look forward to seeing what he accomplishes next.